In 3D to finish this project off we were told to make a piece based on A Rakes Progress using one of the skills we have learnt this term. I knew i definitely wanted to try using plaster more as i liked the raw effect it created in the casting sessions. The first artist i thought of that works in a more organic and raw way was Rebecca Warren, after seeing her work at the Saatchi Gallery i really like how the female figure was exagerated to look overly sexualised that it almost made it comical even though it was touching on the subject of sexism and feminism. Although she uses clay and not plaster i feel the outcome can look quite similar.
From this idea i wanted to work from the tavern scene with the prostitutes surrounding Tom. I wanted to use the way that the prostitutues arent main characters and seem to blur into one as theyre not seen as important or as actual people with their own stories. I wanted to choose a part of the body that they would be noticed by but gives them anonymaty and seem more like an abstract object.
After making the basic shape with chicken wire i used skrim and plaster to build over it, i liked the effect it created when parts werent fully filled in and there were holes to see the chicken wire inside. Next lesson i need to make the other leg and decide what position i want the legs to be in and how to keep them in that position as theyre quite heavy. Also i want to exagerate the shape more by adding more plaster in certain parts.