Sunday, 27 October 2013

Nottingham Castle

 Had a walk up to Nottingham castle last Wednesday, Id heard a little about it that there was also an art show inside with Craig Fishers work in which i was really looking forward to see. The view from the cafe was amazing, you could see pretty much most of Nottingham from up there...

So i wasnt actually allowed to take pictures but the security guard kept wandering off so...

We also found a kids dress up box and a banana.

We walked round the outside and found some really amazing stuff, my friend told me about the caves at the bottom of the castle so we went to have a look. 
We also found the oldest Inn in England!

Scavenging Challenge Part 2

For the second part of the scavenge challenge we had to re use the material we found and to then create something based around the word curate. When i think of the word curate i usually think of displaying a work that in some way enhances it or gives it a different feel in which ever place its presented. As we only had a designated space to work with we tried a few things out and tried not to be too precious about making it look appealing. We tried different things on a list we were giving such as piling it, collating it, organising it etc. I really enjoyed this task a lot more than the first as i had some ideas on where to go after thinking about previous tasks. 

I liked how piling the work work turned out as it created layers making you able to look through the top and see through each. It also flowed quite well allowing viewers to walk around the piece and look inside.

My favourite and the one we settled on was where we decided to make a vaguely recognizable structure creating walls with boards and glass. We created a slanted roof with 2 planks and put household items inside such as a washing machine, chairs. It worked really well as it lead you around the outside as though it was a path around a house and you could look through the glass inside. However we did leave a few random objects around which we should have cleared away as it was really distracting and the viewers found it quite confusing. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Scavenging Challenge Part 1

So for this challenge we were given a list of random themes to follow such as collect things that are circular or collect things that look like clues. We were split into teams of 3 and given maps to walk around Nottingham collecting items we could find trying not to cross the boundary between collecting and stealing...

When we started we found it really hard, most items were just actual rubbish like food packets or bottles. Other stuff like leaves and conkers which i didnt really find that interesting. We walked past a broken washing machine but some men took it away plus we though it was a bit too far until we saw teams taking road signs and cones which we thought we definitely shouldnt be doing! Luckily we found some men who were throwing out a washing machine although it was very rusty and falling to pieces. We also collected things like sand bags and planks of wood.

I was actually really amazed at some of the items people had found, stuff that i definitely wouldnt consider rubbish such as chairs and teddies that were in really great condition. We were then given the task to assemble what we had found into one big pile that everyone could then use as a resource. There was some really amazing stuff like metres of blue pipe, beds and wooden crates. 

We tried out a few ways, although we had no theory behind what we were doing, it was really nice just to work freely with materials and not limit ourselves to what we could do and why we were doing it which can be a bit restricting.