His work represents Fragonards The Swing which is about women in the 1700th period but more to do with courtesans of the time, the first look at the image it looks light hearted and happy with a woman on a swing smiling, the sun is shining and the colours used are soft and romantic. Where as when you look closer you you see a man laid on the ground looking up her dress as she kicks it out as though she wants him to look. The man pushing her is said to be her elderly husband but is hidden in the shadows and cannot see the man laying infront of her. She is wearing a Bergere hat also known as a sheperdess which relates to being virtuous and close to nature, which is ironic as she is corrupted and gives into temptations.
Yinkas work refereneces the fabrics they use and the history they are meant to have. He shows the relationship between Africa and Europe with their political and economic history. He buys all his fabrics from markets in London that do cheap immitations of African fabrics and patterns. He comments that he likes the way they have a crossbred culture of their own and that its an artificial construct. Ilike his mix of cultures using fabrics, patterns, styles and eras, it makes a strong constrast and shows the links between cultures.

For my piece i decided to create designs for a set design/ installation to relate more towards my field of fine art. I wanted to relate mine more towards A Harlotts progress as i felt i could make it more modern but still have hints of 1700th style. After looking at Yinkas use of fabrics and patterns i wanted to use a traditional style of 1700th fabric/ pattern of floral and nature prints such as birds. Also pale romantic colours like pale green, pink and blue, skin like colours to relate to skin of the courtesans as they wear revealing clothing. I also wanted to look into class, how working class/ middle class will spend money on over the top tacky items for their house or clothing to look higher class and more rich, tryingto imatate the higher class to appear more cultured. From this i also want to include prints from all over the world as being seen with items from other countries meant you had the money to import them so it also showed your wealth.
After deciding on my materials and patterns i want to contrast this with modern and bold shapes in the room and almost make it abstract so that at first the colours distract you to think its an old fashioned room but to then focus on the shapes and see the contrasting edges. I think i got a good idea from making my collage as i was unsure at first wear i wanted to go, i think my collage stills looks a little confused like its a mood board for interior design but i want to make a further collage that has a more refined design concept and over all has a stronger design to make it more modern and abstract.
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